This morning we had our final breakfasts with our host families and then met at the Hotel PumpuliEnkeli to say our goodbyes and head to the town of Pori.  Saku was gracious enough to drive us, but he kept looking down at his phone and driving too fast, which was making us all car sick.  For those of you that are not familiar with the roads in Finland, they are very winding.  Lynn kept telling him to watch the road and to slow down, but he did not understand her English that well so Aimee pulled out her translation book and told Saku, in Finnish, that he was making us ,"Nauseous".  Saku understood and drove us there safely in time to meet Seppo Niemisto and Matti Korpinen at the Suomalainen Klubi in Pori.  We presented our district to the RC Pori meeting (Suomalainen Klubi(Finnish/Swedish Club)).  I felt our presentation went smoothly and the club enjoyed it.  Amy Scott spoke french with a gentleman from the same small town were she had studied in France- small world!  
  Our afternoon program began at The Satakunta University of Applied Sciences.  We were given a brief tour by Seppo's wife, Pirjo and then met with Viveka Hoijer-Brear, The Senior Lecturer and International Relations Coordinator at SAMK.  We were given an informative overview on the Finland Health Care Education System and she answered many of our questions. 
   After our program all of us met back at the club and we were introduced to our new host families.  I have to admit I was a little nervous at first meeting our new Pori families, especially after we had such a wonderful time with our Forssa families, but everyone is just as warm and gracious here and we are settling in just fine. 
  My Pori family, Petri Nieminen, his wife Erica and their 3 children Mikael-14, Linnea-12 and Ellen-7 had prepared a wonderful meal for my first night in Pori. We started our first coarse sitting on the front porch enjoying the 30*C temperature with an assortment of toasted bowl shaped crackers with drizzled garlic and red peppers paired with herb cheese balls that fit perfectly inside the crackers- Yummy!  Then we had malt bread with a fine layer of Wahhabi dressing, sliced smoked salmon and sprinkled dill-Yummy2.  To drink we had mango-pear cider (alcohol).  For the next coarse we moved to the backyard, were we sipped Riesling on the porch that over looked the river and ate asparagus drizzled with olive oil, shaved Parmesan cheese and garlic bread (to soak up the olive oil)-Yummy3.  For our main coarse we paired a mixed green salad with an eggplant-red pepper relish along with seared lemoned white fish-Yummy4.  For dessert, well I was so incredibly full that I skipped it :(  My pants are already becoming too tight from my previous week in Forssa! 
   Later that night, Petri and I took a taxi to meet the rest of the girls for drinks at Westin.  We grabbed a table and watched some of the hockey game, but there was a creepy guy that kept standing right behind us, so we decided to move our venue to Cafe Antone, which I really liked.  It was another sports bar minus the creepy guys.  After the game we went to a club called Cabaret that featured a half time show of burlesque women dancing.  That was interesting, not in a good way, LOL.  The jet-lag started to catch up with us so home to bed we went.    I hope my first blog didn't bore you all too badly.  Please forgive my grammar and spelling.  Thanks, Robynn :)
5/16/2010 11:44:49 am

great blog!!! your meal sounded incrdible!


Gene McElvaney
5/17/2010 03:23:00 am

While Janet and I were at our ranch in Chandler, OK, we read in the Chandler newspaper that last week Chandler hosted a group from Finland representing Rotary International. I guess that they were hosted by the Oklahoma City chapter and merely spent a day or two in Chandler. Small world. I know one thing -- they got to see their fill of tornados and hailstorms.

5/17/2010 10:57:44 pm

So you don't like the way the men drive in Finland either? :)

Dixie Purdon
5/18/2010 11:30:57 am

Wow, I know you're having a wonderful time! I can hardly take in all you've done, and I know you've just described a small portion of it. I wish I were there with you. The country looks beautiful.

Linda (Mom)
5/20/2010 02:20:51 pm

So happy that you are enjoying yourself! I always enjoyed going to new places too.
It was a surprise to have you show up on my screen using Skype. I am so glad we down loaded it before you left.
Have lots of fun and keep in touch. XO

5/23/2010 02:10:44 pm

Too funny, nauseous! I can just see everyone and my sisters face.....aaaahhhhh nnnnnaaahhoooh! Coffee too strong?


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